A world that unfolds to reveal its beauty to the creations living on it. It continues to amaze me everyday how a world so perfect, was given to a creation so unworthy, so short of any glory or praise. Then I think.... Grace. Meaning: UNDESERVING mercy. I wonder how many people go everyday not knowing that there is a undeserving mercy avalible for them to receive.
The Lord reveals himself through his creation, and its spectacular. It moves me to think that a God so powerful and mighty actually cares about a civilization so corrupt and "satisfied."
I hope and pray that I may be satisfied with God's grace but not with the tolerance mentality people have of God. God deserves so much more than tolerance. He MORE than tolerates us.
The children in the sunday school class today were given little crowns, and we had them write, Jesus is King. And I just thought how beautiful that picture is, that little creations are able to worship God in that manner. They more than tolerate God. They open their hearts to learning about Him and scream and shout what they know. They continue to teach me something at every class. All glory to God because He opens my heart and allows his world to reveal itself to me.